Headache & Migraine Care in Manhattan
If you regularly suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, you know just how disruptive they can be to daily life. When you’re in pain and cannot think clearly, it can be nearly impossible to work, keep up with your household, or enjoy life. Add in light sensitivity, nausea, and dizziness? Even getting out of bed becomes nearly impossible. Thankfully, regular chiropractic care at Premier Chiropractic & Wellness can help.
Here’s what you need to know.
The Difference Between a Headache and Migraine
It is very important to understand the difference between a simple headache and a clinical migraine. While a general headache might feel as though it could not get any worse than it already is, most migraine sufferers will tell you that the pain is unbearable. In addition, a migraine generally includes other symptoms, such as loss of vision, nausea, pain behind the eyes or ears, seeing spots, or sensitivity to light.
What Causes Chronic Headaches and Migraines?
How Chiropractic Care Can Help
Chiropractic care is a commonly used, non-invasive method for reducing inflammation and pain often associated with chronic headaches and severe migraines. Why? An adjustment loosens up the tension in your body and throughout your neck. In turn, this reduces pain and discomfort all over, not just in your head.
If your condition is caused by stress, visiting your chiropractor on a regular basis can ensure you’re relaxed and have better posture, which can help reduce the duration and severity of regular headaches.
Furthermore, most chiropractors will evaluate your condition to see if another possible medical intervention is necessary. In some cases, they might suggest a visit to a massage therapist, physical therapist, or even your family doctor for further testing.
Visiting A Chiropractor for Migraine and Headache Relief
Do you suffer from migraines or chronic headaches? Visiting Premier Chiropractic & Wellness is a drug-free method for relief and most people see results within a few sessions. Please contact our team today at (785) 320-5300 to schedule a consultation appointment.